If the building is an office building with a small part retail and restaurant how should the areas be calculated for lighting when using the Building Area method??
The space usage types listed in PIf3 are:
Office, retail, restaurant, circulation space, recycling space, changing rooms, bicycle storage, general storage, mechanical.
Should the total gross area be included for lighting calculations or only office, retail and restaurant?
If circulation, spaces, storages, changing rooms, mechanical should be included. Should they then be included under offices since that is the largest part (resturant and retail are only 2,5% of total area)
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
October 31, 2014 - 2:55 pm
The Building Area Method is an average of all the space types within a building. Since the majority of the building is office I would include all the spaces other that the retail and restaurant in the office lighting power density and use the retail value for that space. For the restaurant use one of the dining values. If you do not know why type of dining would best apply choose the one with the lowest lighting power density.