My project is a city Transportation Center, on a triangular downtown infill site. It is bordered on one side by a METRO light rail station, on another by the city court and jail, and on the third by a city street (project construction extended into the street for the bus bays accessed from the Transportation Center).
The city owns and operates all of these adjacent sites (METRO is an agency of the 3 cities who developed the rail). Because of our ownership we have no setbacks for the building, which is on the "property line" adjacent to the police sallyport (gated access to deliver people to the jail).
Transit security is at an all-time high; the site has 24/7 security, to insure passenger safety getting on and off the train and the buses. The rail operations provide security patrols for the trains. The need for police security at the jail and courts is unquestioned. Lighting along these 'edges' is critical to life safety and city operations. Nonetheless, I've been unsuccessful in obtaining this credit because it did not anticipate the extraordinary need for security and life safety in some circumstances.
Can you suggest any projects that have been successful under similar circumstances? Thanks.
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