The LEED Light Pollution and Bird Collision Reduction credits are separate issues and should be given their own point designations. They should not be options with and "either/or" designation. The importance of bird collision reduction and the measures needed to assure effective mitigation of threats to bird safety warrant their own point or a higher point value. While artificial lighting may contribute to the attraction of birds to dangerous structures, a separate and essential credit should be awarded to guarantee that glass features are adequately modified to reduce bird strikes.
The wording regarding treated glass areas of highest need of protection should be comparable for the height about grade AND the height above green roof or amenity deck - such that a 50 feet above grade requirement should also be 50 feet above green roof or amenity deck requirement to accomodate the areas that birds are most likely to use and where adjoining vegetation may be reflected. This height would more ideally be 100 feet to provide a greater degree of protection.
Annette Prince
Director, Chicago Bird Collision Monitors
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