Need some direction regarding the Legal Wood Pilot Credit & ACP - MR BPDO Sourcing Raw Materials
o What backup documentation do I need to confirm that the product is from a“legal (non-controversial) source as defined by ASTM 7612-10"?
o What backup documentation do I need to confirm that the product is from a “responsible source as defined by ASTM 7612-10"?
o Since this is an alternative compliance path does that mean that if I achieve the legal wood requirements (100% & 70% accordingly) that I automatically get the 2 points for the “IDC / V4.1/ BPDO Sourcing of Raw Materials / Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials without any other documentation in that catrgory?? – or does ACP just mean that the value of my legal wood contributes to the threshold I have to meet to get the responsible sourcing points? Please advise - thanks.
Stephanie Graham
Sustainability ManagerBurns & McDonnell
26 thumbs up
November 30, 2022 - 12:23 pm
Legal Wood can only be used as alternative compliance for the FSC certified wood portion of the Sourcing of raw materials. You still need to meet the credit threshold with legal wood plus the other criteria (bio-based, recycled content, reuse, etc).
I have not documented this previously, however, I believe that you would still need the invoice with the certified wood claim and chain of custody number. If you look at the Resources tab in the LEED Credit Library for the Legal Wood Calculator, the last worksheet in the file shows a breadown of other wood certifications and if they meet all of the criteria. It appears that if a wood is (for example) SFI certified with chain of custody and can provide a claim, it will meet the legal and responsible wood requirements as well. If not, ask the provider to provide this documentation that the wood meets legal and responsible criteria of ASTM 7612-10.
Has anyone else documented this, to check me on this?
Jonathan Waltr
OwnerRE3 Solutions
September 28, 2023 - 1:06 pm
I'm struggling with this as well.
For the Sourcing credit, any wood that complies with the FSC requirements (product and fabricator) can contribute to credit achievement.
For the ACP, it's the 100% / 70% compliance thresholds that throw me off. If I have one piece of wood with an SFI label, and everything else as non-certified, can the SFI lumber contribute to credit achievement, or does 100% / 70% need to comply before any dollar value can be applied to the credit? If so, this sounds more onerous than the parent credit itself.
Sumaiya Mehjabeen
Project DesignerSWBR
April 8, 2024 - 11:48 am
I am working on a project that has a significant amount of wood with a manufacturer PEFC certificate. Similar to FSC certified wood documentation, do I need to submit the vendor's PEFC/FSC CoC too in addition to the manufacturer's CoC or an itemized invoice will suffice for this ACP?
Laura Soma
Sustainability ManagerGLY Construction, Inc
3 thumbs up
May 24, 2024 - 2:53 pm
I'm looking to use the ACP for a stick built project with wood trusses and FSC is not an option. The wood is purchased and then sorted by size, truss supplier said they cannot confirm which forest each component comes from. Can you use the invoices for all of the wood purchases (for the truss supplier's facility) or does the documentation have to be project specific for this compliance path? I've talked to 2 different truss suppliers and both said they do not purchase for specific projects.