Hello to all users,
1. In Leed online at the regitration form I see the option LEED BD+C v4, and LEED BD+C v4.1.
Can I register the project under LEED v4 BD+C New Construction and choose some credits from v4.1?
Or does the above option not apply. Which means I have to choose either LEED v4 and go only with v4 credits or choose v4.1 and go only with v4.1 credits?
What about the documents
a) Certification agreement, b) confirmation of primary owner's authority, c) confirmation of agent's authority
Must these documents be signed and uploaded at the same time when we enter the project's information at the leedonline platform?
Where can I find these documents? Are they automatically generated at the field "Agreements" of leedonline?
Thank you for
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
540 thumbs up
October 24, 2020 - 9:24 am
We register every project under v4 and select v4.1 credit substitutions on a credit-by-credit basis.
The forms you are referring to are available through LEED Online. The cert aggreement is a 'check box' by the LEED proj admin when registering the project. The Confirmation of Agent's Authority is a document that must be signed by the owner and must be included when submitting the prelim design application.
Konstantina Kalliakoudi
Mechanical Engineer13 thumbs up
October 29, 2020 - 9:02 am
You can find these documents here