we are going to certify a businesspark consisting 30 buildings of the same type under LEED C&S in v4. Therefore the volume program seems to be very applicable.
However USGBC states on http://www.usgbc.org/cert-guide/volume that it is only available for NC, CI, RN, etc. but not for CS.
Is this information still valid, especially for v4?
What is the reason to exclude CS?
Thanks ind advance.
Melissa Gallagher-Rogers
Director, Market DevelopmentUSGBC
3 thumbs up
June 4, 2014 - 4:35 pm
There is flexibility in the LEED Volume certification program to find customized solutions. We'd be happy to follow up with you directly to determine if the LEED Volume certification can work for your project. Please send a note to volume@usgbc.org(link sends e-mail) and let me know how to reach you so that we can talk further.