In LEED-OM v.5 (draft), no information was provided on re-certification. However, the Feb 2024 version of LEED-OM v4.1 does provide guidelines for recertification and explain the scoring: Page 8, "4. Recertify" states: "To keep your certification active... you will need to provide data annually. This data is entered in the same manner as your recertification, but it is not reviewed by GBCI."

Apparently, the data is not reviewed by GBCI but outsourced to Arc, "the platform for managing recertification." Arc scores 5 categories of data: energy, water, waste, transportation and "human experience" - of which the last two categories are performed by surveying "all" occupants. How do Arc scores correlate with the 7 categories of LEED scores, especially "human experience", which does not correspond to any LEED category? What are Arc's data quality standards? Who conducts their surveys and vetts their results? What quality control measures have been put in place? Shouldn't this out-sourced re-certification process also be subject to public review?

Regarding scoring for recertification, page 12 notes that "Prior LEED Certification" automatically qualifies for 10 points under the Innovation category. How is prior LEED certification an innovation? It is not. 

In conclusion:

(a) LEED should consider removing the automatic 10 bonus points for prior LEED Certification;

(b) LEED should include the re-certification process as part of LEED-v5-O&M;

(c) LEED should provide greater transparency into its partnership with Arc (or "Arc Scoru"), correlation of Arc scores with LEED-OM recertifcation scores, Arc's scoring methodology, data quality standards, and oversight standards.