My name is Richard Curry, and my comments represent the views of ST Facility Maintenance Consulting, LLC, a facility service consultant to owners and operators of commercial cleaning companies.  My comments are in regard to the Proposed LEED O+M: Existing Buildings v5 draft. Specifically, my comments address the Green Cleaning and the Equity Within Operations and Maintenance Staff elements. I am deeply concerned after having 31 years of direct management experience of large cleaning systems with two of the largest Facility Maintenance companies in the world that the standards are being diluted and the work of many years is being devalued in respect to the LEED certification platform. In addition, I am concerned that the impact of COVID-19 on the industry and to real estate is not being properly considered and I am equally concerned that the standards proposed in these revised elements are a setback for the entire global cleaning industry and understates the importance of cleaning to protect occupant health and wellbeing. (Consider COVID-19, again). My recommendations are as follows:

  1. Restore the Prerequisite: • The draft has deleted the prerequisite and has not integrated those critical program management requirements elsewhere into the Rating System. Appropriately managing the cleaning process, use of products and equipment, strategies to reduce energy and other resources, training and contingency planning for workers, education on handwashing and other issues are essential to protecting occupant health and wellbeing.

Recommendation: We recommend the Prerequisite be restored to ensure that organizational, planning and training standards be required of all facilities seeking LEED certification. These requirements are particularly critical to successful cleaning programs. Weighting – Cleaning is undervalued • Overall, too few points are allotted to Green Cleaning programs, particularly in comparison to other program/building attributes. While 3 points may be appropriate during construction, it undervalues the importance of cleaning (after the building is occupied) and the need to protect occupant health and wellbeing.

Recommendation: We recommend increasing the credits for Green Cleaning to 10 points and using the additional points to incentivize a level of thorough cleaning that will reduce risks to occupant health while improving their productivity and wellbeing We respectfully request that USGBC seriously consider these comments and update the proposed standard to better meet the needs of the global cleaning industry.

  1. In Regard to the  Equity within Operations and Maintenance Staff Section.  First observation - The social equity element is not tailored to the needs and working conditions of cleaning personnel, landscapers, pest applicators, parking attendants, and other employees and contract workers in the building. Second observation – There are few Industries in the world that have practiced egalitarianism, social equity and workplace integration than the commercial cleaning business. The industry has provided opportunities for disparate migrant, ethnic, marginalized and lower economic status individuals for decades and this fact is not acknowledged  by this revised standard.

 Recommendation: The social equity requirements in the Prerequisite should be better tailored to address the needs of cleaning teams, including but not limited to fair wages, gender discrimination, working conditions, injury and illness prevention, opportunities for advancement, etc.

Recommendation: The social equity requirements should also encompass safety provisions for cleaning personnel and be more effectively tailored to meet the needs of cleaning and other contracted workers. This includes addressing wages, production rates, hours, benefits, injury rates including ergonomic injuries, tenure of frontline workers, worker insurance, immigration status, encouraging the hiring of people with disabilities and other marginalized people, etc.; in addition to the typical social equity concerns (e.g., no child or slave labor). We respectfully request that USGBC seriously consider these comments and update the proposed standard to better meet the needs of the global cleaning industry

Tendered Respectfully

Richard Curry

Principal – ST Facility Maintenance Consulting, LLC.