Our project is mixed with some building 4 stories plus and some 3 stories and less. I have two questions.
1. For the 3 stories and less buildings (Group 2) is there a pathway to achieve 1 point? The guide is confusing and seems to provide only an option for 2 point threshold.
2. Given 1, but also to be able to apply "any saving from on-site renewable energy systems" can buildings three stories or less use Whole-Building Energy Simulation (Group 1, Option 1 pathway)?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
September 18, 2015 - 4:33 pm
Ian, your question got routed to ND, but your subject heading says Homes. Which system are you dealing with?
Ian Scott
September 18, 2015 - 4:51 pm
Sorry bad subject header. Questions related to LEED ND V4. Under this credit building 3 stories or less are supposed to follow a compliance pathway based on LEED for Homes and I am looking for clarification in that regard or potential alternatives (my second question).
Casey Studhalter
Project Manager, LEEDUSGBC
1 thumbs up
September 22, 2015 - 11:30 am
Ian, happy to help out here. The reference guide isn't very clearly structured here.
1. There is only a 2 point threshold for this category of buildings. No 1 point threshold is available for Group 2 buildings.
2. Group 2 buildings are allowed to count savings from renewable energy systems. The "Related Credit Tip" on page 355 of the reference guide states "For Group 2 buildings, including low-rise multifamily buildings or home, use that absolute energy generated for the renewable energy systems."
Ian Scott
September 22, 2015 - 12:24 pm
Thanks Casey. Do you think you could use the Whole-Building Energy Simulation (Option 1) for a three-storey building, which would give you the 1 point or 2 point compliance possibility?