I want to make sure I am understanding this correctly in filling out LEED Online, I am a little confused when filling out LEED Online:

-I have an multi-tenant office building so everyone has access to all restrooms, but not kitchen sinks owned by the individual tenants. In filling out LEED Online, under Group Name what are they asking for to populate the cell? Currently I have them broken down into 1. conventional water closet, 2. public lavatory faucet, 3. kitchen sink faucet, 4. conventional urinal. Is this correct?

-I also modified %male/female to be 100% for the urinals?

-Then since the building was built in 2000, would I put the full amount of fixtures installed in the "replaced after 1/1993" column even though these were installed and not replaced fixtures?

-Under Annual days of operation: Can I conclude typical 5 day work weeks throughout the year roughly 250 days?

-Then under the 2nd table - Flush Fixture Data, my select and display columns read the same. The fixture ID I am not sure what they actually want us to fill in. The rest of the columns auto-populate. I am having the same issue with the flow fixture table as well.

-Both tables show a % reduction of water use of 0%, but at the bottom of my sheet, it states I have a 16.67% reduction in water use.

Sorry for the lengthy thread but I want to make sure I understand the documentation process. Thanks in advance.