1. Do we have to register projects under LEED ND V4 (it being released) or projects can still be registered under LEED ND 2009?
2. If the density of residential units is undetermined, but the owner has entitlement of the land for residential use, can one apply for stage 2 or it has to be stage 1? Are there any changes in LEED ND V4 related to time period for progressing to stage 2 and further with no fee associated.
3. Upon completion of registration, can one go back and change project details like sq ft of residential units etc.
4. Can the agent upload the 'agent authorization form' later on after registration? The customer service states, yes, but wanted further clarification. If you have registered project recently, please help!
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Casey Studhalter
Project Manager, LEEDUSGBC
1 thumbs up
May 22, 2015 - 5:31 pm
1. At this time, projects can elect to pursue either LEED ND v2009 or v4. Both are available. ND v2009 registration closes on 10/31/2016 along with all other v2009 rating systems.
2. The percentage of the project that has received full land-use entitlements will determine whether a project must pursue Stage 1 or 2 under LEED ND v2009. Projects are eligible to pursue Stage 1 if no more than 50% of a project’s total new and/or renovated building square footage has land-use entitlements to use property for the specific types and quantities of residential and non-residential land uses proposed, either by right or through a local government regulatory change process. Stage 2 is eligible after 100% of the project’s total new and/or renovated building square footage has been fully entitled.
3. You are welcome to make any changes to the project details after registration, up until you submit for certification review. Only then are the project details locked for editing.
4. Yes, the agent authorization form can be uploaded after completing registration.