I am working on a core & shell building. The owner will only be installing AHUs for a few core & shell spaces. The tenants will be installing their own mechanical equipment including AHUs, so the LEED lease rider stipulates that all tenant spaces must comply with ASHRAE 62. Can we change the lease agreement to state that tenant spaces must exceed ASHRAE 62 requirements by 30%? If we do, will that satisfy the requirements of this credit? Thanks.
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Troy Glasner
PresidentE3 Eco Group Inc.
4 thumbs up
July 21, 2016 - 12:58 pm
Did you get a response to this Alfonzo, offline, or other? I would be interested in hearing how this was resolved.
Ashwini Arun
Senior Sustainability ManagerWSP
LEEDuser Expert
61 thumbs up
August 29, 2017 - 2:24 pm
Core and Shell projects can earn additional points if you make certain technical requirements part of a binding lease that is signed by the developer and the tenant. Refer to Appendix 4 (Page 619) of the Reference Guide. It lists all the credits that a C&S project can claim additional points for, if there is a legally binding lease agreement. Case C in Appendix 4 refers to credits that need to include data from the entire project and IEQc2 is listed there. If you have a lease requirement for all tenants, then you will be able to achieve this credit.