We have a mixed use project with several buildings on it, from which one of them will apply for LEED-CS certification. The entire parking lot will be underground (it will be three underground floors)

The LEED boundary has been drawn and delimited by a construction joint.

Some equipment and water tanks will be underground and/or at the parking. I have two questions regarding this situation:

1. Because of structural issues some of the machinery serving the entire project (all buildings) will be under the LEED building (water tanks and treatment plant). Does this affect somehow any prerequisite and or credit? My assumption is it won't since the energy/water consumption calculation can be done for the LEED building and the rest of the project separately.

2. If the opposites happens, that is for example the water tank serving the LEED building is outside the LEED boundary), does this affect somehow? My assumption is won't because of the same situation describe before.

Thank you.