The credit says cradle to grave so it is obvious that this part has to be included. Is there any guidance how should it be included? Having in mind two methods:
The most simple method:
Simply assuming all of the building elements will not be deconstructed after 60 years by proving such products typically have longer life expectancy and that the building is durable.
Simple method (would make sense to make difference between baseline and proposed case for the credit assessment; to benefit recyclable product + products to be incinerated with thermal recovery potential):
By inspiring from DGNB diverting the materials into following groups and assuming the possibility of Part D inclusion – New product stage such as recycling potential
- Metals + Mineral building materials – Deconstruction + Transportation + Processing + inclusion of positive impact by reuse (Part D)
- Timber + Plastics - Deconstruction + Transportation + Processing + inclusion of positive impact by thermal recovery (Part D)
- Materials to be landfilled - – Deconstruction + Transportation + Processing + Landfill
Complicated method: Will rather not propose :)
Thanks for ideas/comments.
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