Dear all,
I do have a lot of questions since this credit approach is brand new + the whole LCA analysis is definitely not yet wide spread on the market.

Since A4+A5 is specified to be included in the LCA is there any further guidance on the depth of information to be provided? In my mind it really could be very simple or tracked deeply as it used to be in LEEDv3 2009.

Very simple method (can be used in the logical schematic design phase):
- Transport based on volume (m3) or weight (tons) with averaged distance to the site as also used in some EPDs
- Construction installation based on weight (tons) as movement on the site
- Both will differ between various basis of construction (like timber frame versus cast in concrete)

Very complicated method (cannot be used in the logical schematic design phase):
- Transportation: All relevant materials will be tracked from manufacturing plant to the construction site + transportation means used
- Construction site energy consumption will be measured

Thanks for ideas/comments.