
We have received comments on the lawn areas of our project which states “lawn is acceptable only if it a) is not a monoculture, b) does not require regular maintenance or mowing, and c) does not include any non-native/adapted species.” Our lawn area is not a monoculture and is sewn with native/adapted species, however it will require maintenance. When asked if turf grass can contribute to this credit, the following has been outlined, Common turf grass is not considered native. However, it is possible that a variety of grasses, rather than a monoculture, that are selected with the native habitat in mind and are adapted to the local habitat, can contribute to the credit. Does our grass area need to require no maintenance to achieve this credit or will the area achieve this credit by being a non-monoculture area planted with native/adapted species. The level of maintenance is not stated as part of the requirements, please can you assist with this query?