we are working on a project of a new hotel facility where owner do not have any estimation related with annual laundry process amount.
Is there any default value that is accepted by LEED reviewers to estimate this (e.g. kg/year.room)?
Please note that to be eligible to earn 1 additional credit related with Process Water Equipments, it is necessary to process at least 57606 kg/year.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
481 thumbs up
October 15, 2019 - 11:55 pm
Hi Ricardo,
I don't see any default info available in the credit library.
If I were you, aside from just Googling and seeing what happens, I would maybe assume worst case of full occupancy where every room must be laundered daily as well as extras, so maybe 1.5 x number of beds (not rooms, but actual beds) x 365 days? I'm using 1.5 for the extras the hotel has at hand as well as items that are often stored in the rooms. Total guess there, though. You'd have to figure out the weight of a typical bed assembly to calculate it.