Our project is a 50% office- 50% lab building. Are laboratory sinks to be accounted for in this credit calculation?
Forum discussion
NC-2009 WEc3: Water Use Reduction
Our project is a 50% office- 50% lab building. Are laboratory sinks to be accounted for in this credit calculation?
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Can you explain the 12-second duration for metering faucets?
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We are having trouble finding EPAct-compliant fixtures. Is that a problem?
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Carlie Bullock-Jones
PrincipalEcoworks Studio
LEEDuser Expert
220 thumbs up
October 9, 2012 - 6:08 pm
Project teams are permitted to include classroom sinks provided the flow fixtures installed have a similar usage pattern and are similar fixture type as for those in bathrooms. However, project teams are not permitted to include exam room sinks as these are considered process water; additionally, exam room sinks are commonly regulated by different standards and 3 uses per day would not capture the water use associated with these fixtures.
Not sure if your laboratory sinks are a similar fit to one of the above described situations. In any case I would suggest including a narrative describing the typical use pattern for the laboratory sinks and why you have either included or excluded from the calculations.
Hope helpful!
Susan Walter
HDRLEEDuser Expert
1296 thumbs up
October 10, 2012 - 8:23 am
Read through the LEED Interpretations. There are a few that describe a sink being used for more than one purpose (handwashing) allowed to not be included in WEp1/c3 calculations.
Heather Park
1 thumbs up
October 14, 2013 - 11:38 am
Where in the LEED reference guide or USGBC material is it stated that 'exam room sinks are considered process water'? We have a mixed use NC building that had two floors of exam rooms. If I document them as process water and don't include them in our water calcs, I want to have the proper support documentation to back it up. :)
Carlie Bullock-Jones
PrincipalEcoworks Studio
LEEDuser Expert
220 thumbs up
October 14, 2013 - 11:41 am
Hello Heather -
The WEp1 Water Use Reduction addenda, dated 2/2/2011, states that faucets whose usage patterns and flow rates are regulated for medical or industrial purposes are exempt from this calculation. Exam sink fixtures are not covered by the EPAct 1992 standard, Uniform Plumbing Code, or International Plumbing Code, as required by WEp1 requirements, and can skew water use consumption due to not having a standardized code that defines typical daily uses.