I've read a few opinions and haven't found any official Interpretation (yet?) to better define the discrepancies in language regarding required Cx documentation.  The newer CFR/OMP content language in Prerequisite is - OK... - but then there are the 2 references to "Systems Manual" in Enhanced.  Taken together, it is still a bit of a word salad exercise, and I would like to be able to side with Scott Bowman's take that there is no separate 'Systems Manual' document requirement in v4.EA that has to be constructed or assembled from all these separate documents.  A lot of the stated content requirements for the CFR/OMP were items for the Systems Manual (as is the newly-defined Ongoing Cx Plan).

My question is whether anyone has seen any further definitions or clarifications of the v4 requirements?  Since the contents of the CFR/OMP are kind of mixed up under that single header, could this be submitted as a single document (which is basically then a Systems Manual with a different name...)  Has anyone had good/bad experience submitting these to date?

Thanks!   - Larry