Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on the credit Indoor Water Use Reduction (Calculator 4.0 excel sheet) and have a question concerning fixture's design flow rate.
The fixtures used are showerhead (5.0 lpm) and shower mixer (6.1 lpm).
What should I input here in the Design Flow Rate? (5.0 or 6.1)
Is there any part in LEED v4.0 that mentions which to choose?
Thank you so much!
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
477 thumbs up
September 19, 2019 - 9:56 pm
I encourage others to speak up here, but in my experience, the rates are based on the showerhead, itself, since that is what ultimately restricts the flow. So you would use the 5.0 value.
David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1980 thumbs up
September 24, 2019 - 3:18 pm
I would agree.
Gregory Mason
1 thumbs up
October 15, 2020 - 8:14 pm
A bit late to the game, but what about the other way around (showerhead 7.5 L/min; mixer rated at 6.0 L/min). Would we be allowed to use the lower mixer rated water use?
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
477 thumbs up
October 17, 2022 - 12:50 pm
Hmm...if you have the cutsheet for the mixer, and it restricts the water before it reaches the showerhead, I would think you could use the lower value. I have had projects have flow restrictors directly on the line and be fine - this happened when the wrong lav was installed and the project had to fix the issue after the fact, but couldn't alter the faucet, itself. Just be sure to explain this with a narrative that goes with your calculator, likely in the Special Circumstances box on the form.