In the reference guide of LEED ID+C V4,  it is mentioned under prerequisite  the newly installed plumbing fixtures must be according to the Table 6 flow rates. The % savings must be shown for each fixture from LEED baseline and all fixtures must be water sense labelled.

However , there are 2 compliances path mentioned under the same requirement, Compliance path 1 Prescriptive: is for % savings achieved for each fixture , Compliance path 2: usage based calculation i.e. showing cummulative savings of atleast 20% based on usage , occupancy etc.

Currently in India water sense labelling is not followed.

I have attempted by compliance path 2 by showing % savings on usage basis, for prerequisite and for credit.

I want to know is it still mandatory for fixtures to follow the flow rates in Table 6 , or usage based calculation and manufacturer cut sheet with flow rate data sufficient???