Hi folks,
I am trying to clarify how to meet the requirements to include envelope criteria in the OPR, design details in the BOD, and a review of envelope design in a CI that had no envelope in the scope. My first reaction is to simply state that envelope is outside the scope of this CI so this requirement is not applicable but I can't find support for that in writing. What is your understanding of how this requirement does or doesn't apply in this situation?
Patrick Murisset
Tishman Speyer14 thumbs up
August 20, 2018 - 2:57 pm
Hi Elizabeth
You don't need to include the envelope on the OPR and/or BOD; in my opinion, you don't have to mention it, if you don't want to.
Refer to page 115 of the CI reference guide. Steps 1 and 2 state clearly that the envelope must be included only if it is part of the project's scope.
Hope that helps.
Karina Hanyzewski
2 thumbs up
January 29, 2019 - 6:03 pm
Hi there!
Following up on Elizabeth question above. The CI project does not include any Envelope scope, however, the LEED project template still requires a date to be included for the "Envelope Design Review". What is a recommendation or suggestion to handle this?
The LEED template would not let me save it or mark it as complete if a date is not included. Should I write a narrative under "special circumstances"?
Any help would be appreciate it!
Kate Lyons
April 23, 2021 - 11:16 am
I have the same question as Karina. What is the protocol for filling out the "Envelope Design Review Date" box required on the form for this prerequisite? Can someone advise as to how they have filled this box out in the past?
Thank you!
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
519 thumbs up
April 26, 2021 - 11:40 am
Normally when I am presented with an issue like this, I go back to the intent of the credit to form a plan. In this case, I agree that LEED is looking to engage teams with the envelope at a more fundamental level, but if it is clearly not part of the scope, especially in CI, then it is not part of the scope! My recommendation would be to date the review the same as the OPR, simply state in the OPR and BOD that the envelope is existing and is not part of the scope, and mention this as a special circumstance. That being said, I would normally at least describe what the envelope is if it touches your CI. The OPR and BOD need to be a much more robust document that helps memorialize a project in a more narrative voice versus the raw CDs and Specifications.