Could anyone help me, please? I have received a review comment from this pre-requisite, but I haven’t understood what they are asking for. Follow bellow:
1.Please provide the mechanical schedules confirming that the breathing zone outdoor air intake ventilation rate for all occupied spaces meets the minimum establish in ASHRAE 62.1-2007.
2.Provide additional information to confirm that the AHRAE 62.1-2007 Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP) Calculation have been performed for the worst case condition, or provide calculations to document compliance for the worst conditions. Keep in mind that for multi-zone recirculation system requires the zone primary airflow to be the lowest expected primary flow during occupied hours.
3.Provide additional information to justify the value for Ex, or update the value to 0.8.
4.It is unclear whether the project contains air handling units serving more than ten ventilation zones. It is acceptable to provide a calculation which combines some of the zones for the purposes of ventilation calculation."

1. We have uploaded the HVAC drawing, but seems to be not sufficient. Could anyone explain what does mechanical schedule mean?
2. The system is a constant volume system. I don’t know what the reviewer said about the lowest expected primary air flow?
3.We have wrote a narrative saying that the system works only on the cooling mode and the outside air is treated before entering the space or the AHU (everything is specified in the HVAC drawing). I don’t know what other information do they want?
4. The AHUs serves 3 to 4 zones, so we used multi-zone form to complete. I understood that I should group these zones to a single zone, but I haven’t found anything on the Standard that I need to group these zones.