We are utilizing 100% outdoor air air handling units to supply ventilation air to occupied spaces, and valance units for heating and cooling. We are trying to obtain IEQp1 as well as increased ventilation IEQc2. One of the comments i received states "The ASHRAE 62MZCalc spreadsheets utilize several variables that are only applicable to multiple zone recirculating systems; therefore the spreadsheets are only applicable for multiple zone recirculating systems. Provide revised ventilation calculations for the dedicated outdoor air ventilation systems in accordance with Section 6.2.2 and 6.2.4 of ASHRAE 62.1-2007." However, the LEED form for IEQp1 states "Project teams pursuing IEQc2 must use the 62MZCalc provided by USGBC in credit resources section of LEED Online to document compliance with IEQp1 and IEQc2...." We are utilizing the 62MZCalc provided by USGBC. We have utilized 100% of total design airflow rate at condition analyzed in the spreadsheet, and our "design primary supply fan airflow rate" is equal to our entered "outdoor air intake provided for system". If not the 62MZCalc form from USGBC, what form should we be using? How, if at all, shall I be entering something different in the 62MZCalc form for 100% OA systems to comply with both IEQp1 and IEQc2?