LEED NC v2009, we have a paint system which will apply to an interior wall as follow:
1- Primer
2- Stucco
3- Armorcoat polished plaster spatula P70
4-Armourcoat aqua wax
5- Armourcot color wash mixed with Armourcot eco wax (final step)
Can anyone tell the product type/category of the latest three products (steps 3-5) and the referenced standard (GS-11 or SCAQMD)?as well I need the link of the latest version of both reference standards
Thanks in advance for your input.
Debra a. Lombard
Construction Administrator/ LEED APBywater Woodworks, Inc.
47 thumbs up
March 26, 2018 - 10:43 am
seems like it'd fall under SCAQMD Rule 1113, arch. coatings. maybe either flat or non flat coating. maybe the mfgr can review rule 1113 and determine from the rule's definitions and table which category each product would fall under.