To achieve the ID&C EApr1 – Fundamental commissioning and verification, per version 6 of the LEEDv4 draft of this prerequisite a project team must “prepare and maintain a current facilities requirements and operations and maintenance plan that contains the information necessary to operate the building efficiently. The plan must include the following: a sequence of operations for the building; the building occupancy schedule; equipment run-time schedules; setpoints for all HVAC equipment; set lighting levels throughout the building; minimum outside air requirements, any changes in schedules or setpoints for different seasons, days of the week, and times of day; a systems narrative describing the mechanical and electrical systems and equipment, a preventative maintenance plan for building equipment described in the systems narrative; and a commissioning program that includes periodic commissioning requirements, ongoing commissioning tasks and continuous tasks for critical facilities.”

This may prevent the majority of potential ID&C projects from registering to attempt LEED certification because they will not be able to obtain this level of info about the base building.

Is the idea of this new prerequisite requirement to only certify ID&C projects that choose to locate in buildings with comprehensive commissioning programs? This would be a HUGE change from v2009.