I am wondering if IBC Group S-1 Occupancy zones are required to be tested per IEQc3.2.
On this project (vehicle maintenance facility), the specific zones within the S-1 classification are maintenance bays, holding bays, lube rooms, battery rooms, compressor rooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, telecom rooms, and storage which are mostly ventilated with supply fans, exhaust fans and a split system fan coil or two.
Typically when selecting sampling zones I do not consider mechanical, electrical, telecom, and storage rooms as regularly occupied spaces.
I figure lube rooms, battery rooms and compressor rooms are not regularly occupied but what about the maintenance/holding bay's?
I would think testing is not required in those spaces either (since when occupied those spaces will be rife with all sorts of contaminants anyway), yet there will still be persons working there (most likely wearing appropriate PPE).
It would also be awesome for LEED clarify the testing requirements further, possibly base them off IBC or a similar entities occupancy classifications?
Anyone have thoughts, comments or experience on any of the above?