Our project chose option 1 -simulation. And the simulation result is 84% ROA is qualified at 9 am, 83% ROA is qualified at 3pm. Then I took 83% as a simulation result.
But I got project review technical advice as following: 'The simulation report only indicates the compliant areas for 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. individually, and the lower value has been used as the total compliant area. Revise the spreadsheet to ensure that only the area that is compliant at both 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on September 21st, not at one time or the other and not the average compliant area, has been reported as meeting the daylight requirements.'
The result of ecotect only shows the percentage of area comply with the IEQc8.2 requirement(25-500ft) at 9 am or 3pm individually. How can I get the percentage of area that is compliant at both 9 am and 3 pm?