I am currently working on a LEED v3.0 model in trace 700. It is a historic building originally built in the late 1800s. It has a variety of unique situations that I am unsure of how to model. The project is being renovated in multiple phases. We have received permission to model only the wing that is currently being renovated for our LEED application. An earlier phase of the project installed a chiller to serve the entire building. The chiller is not located within the wing we are modeling and the cooling towers are located across the street where the district heating plant is located. I am using Option 1 (building stand-alone scenario) for the district heating. I would like to model the chiller so I can gain some credit on the plant level. Is this allowed given this situation? If so, how should I model the chiller since it serves the whole building and only a quarter of the building is being modeled?