Our project is sewing factory we already provide entryway mate and Exhaust as required, VRF system is used for A/c
1.Is it enough to attend this credit
2. Is MERV 13 Filter is mandatory to attend this credit
3.Kindly tell what are the things are mandatory to get this credit
Michelle Halle Stern
Senior Sustainability ConsultantGreenwood Consulting Group
121 thumbs up
August 31, 2015 - 1:13 pm
Yes MERV 13 filters are required. The other mandatory requirements may be found at http://www.leeduser.com/credit/NC-2009/IEQc5?page=0#lang-tab
I found this article regarding VRF and LEED, with the caveat that I am not endorsing it.
SAMY Chamy
EnginneerT&T Green
12 thumbs up
September 8, 2015 - 7:46 am
1.How we achieve this credit when we use VRF
2.Is there any alternate compliance path or CIR related to this issue
3.Other than MERV 13 we do all other mandatory things listed in LEED
ref guide
4.Kindly give some tips to get this credit
Dylan Connelly
Mechanical EngineerIntegral Group
LEEDuser Expert
472 thumbs up
September 8, 2015 - 10:09 am
Merv 8 filters on the fan coil units. Merv 13 on your outside air unit or intakes. If you are ventilating by natural ventilation then your proabably can't get this credit. With a dedicated outside air unit this is easy.
SAMY Chamy
EnginneerT&T Green
12 thumbs up
September 16, 2015 - 3:26 am
Thank you for your support,
1.It is ok for A/c Areas and what we attend for Ventilated areas (mechanical Ventilation include fresh air, Exhaust,)
2.How we attend this credit with Evaporative cooling
SAMY Chamy
EnginneerT&T Green
12 thumbs up
September 21, 2015 - 3:36 am
Awaiting for your reply
Paula Hernandez
85 thumbs up
May 10, 2018 - 7:31 am
I will apperciatte clarification on this issue.
I am trying to figure out wether MERV 8 instead of MERV 13 filters are adecuate to achieve this credit for A/C systems such as fan coils and VRF. But the responses to this comment are confusing.
Some people say MERV 13 is mandatory and other that MERV 8 is enough.
Thank you,
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
535 thumbs up
May 10, 2018 - 8:14 am
The credit requirements are:
1. Install 10' entryway systems at all regularly used exterior entrances to the building. If roll-out mats are used they must be maintained weekly by a contracted service.
2. Exhaust rooms where hazardous gases or chemicals are present; exhaust rate must be at least 0.5 cfm per square foot; pressure differential must be at least 5 Pascals on average and 1 Pascal at a minimum when the doors are closed. Provide self-closing doors for these rooms. Provide hard-lid ceilings or deck-to-deck partitions.
3. All outdoor air that is mechanically supplied to occupied spaces must be provided with MERV 13 filters; be sure to install these filters after construction and prior to occupancy. Naturally ventilated buildings can achieve this credit, it's just that this part of the credit requirement is not applicable. Outdoor air provided to unoccupied rooms (e.g. mechanical rooms, inactive storage, etc.) is not required to be provide with MERV 13 filters. There are no filter requirements for return, transfer, relief, exhaust air streams.
Good luck!