Hi All,
My project is over 50,000 sq. We are going for option 1, 30% of contractor and subcontractor management personnel. We have over 70+ subcontractors. What kind of documentation will USGBC require to show the calculation of the 30%. Do I need certify payrolls of all my subcontractors? We have a badge system for the site, everybody has their own ID badge to get into the building, can I use a report from that system to calculate the 30%?
Thanks you in advance
Jennifer Urrutia
October 13, 2021 - 8:56 am
Hi Russell,
Did you end up pursuing this credit? I have the same question. We are planning to have everyone on our GC team have the green training and trying to work out how many other people from different comapnies will also need the training. Any guidance on this from someone is appreciated!
Thank you.