Hi, my project located in an old district where has a lot of old architecture buildings around with tourist. The problem is the paperwork to obtain letter/document from Gov saying this district is historic since there is no historic preservation entity in my city. I would like to ask Is there any one have tried google map or tourist map with markup on the old historic buildings and project location in the district to count LEED point? Thanks for your advice.
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Larry Sims
PrincipalStudio4, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
161 thumbs up
July 18, 2017 - 1:14 pm
Hi Hieu,
Although your proposed project may be a noble gesture to help revitalize an area of "old buildings", the project does not fit within the credit parameters for Options 1, 2, or 3. I don't know that collecting data, such as maps, to support your effort could be of any benefit.