This has been bogging us for a while, as we cannot figure out how to interpret the various issues in ASHRAE 90.1.
If in a multifamily building the residential units are only heated but not cooled in the actual design (climate is North Europe), how does the baseline get modeled? I suppose Systems #9 and #10 (Heating Only) would be out of the question as these are intended for ancillary spaces. So it would have to be System #1 or #2, but with cooling as well?
More importantly, would the Proposed residential units be modeled with additional cooling using identical systems as in Baseline?
Thank you in advance,
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
July 22, 2019 - 6:09 pm
You will need to model a system 1 or 2. The work around is to set the cooling set point high enough so that the cooling system never comes on. This does not violate the modeling protocol. It is possible to not have to model the cooling system by telling the reviewer that you know this work around and think it is therefore not necessary to model the cooling system.