This is my first time doing the LEED paperwork. I'm not sure I'm using all the correct fixtures while filling out prereq 1. Currenly I only have water closets and lavs filled out. There are no urinals on the project. Should I include kitchen sinks (break rooms) and showers (staff & Patient)?

I ask because they are available in the pull down menu of the form, but the leed reference document I found only states "Calculations are based on estimated occupant usage and must include ONLY the following fixtures and fittings: water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets and prerinse spray valves.

After reading that statement I only used water closets and lavs. I input all of the information, including my calculation for the dual flush toilets. I could not use the standard calculation since it is based on water closets and urinals.

After inputing the numbers for staff, visitor, and patient usage and uploading the required documents, I meet the 20% reduction required for the prequisite. However, what through the red flag was my numbers did not meet the 30% reduction required for 1 LEED point. Because of this the Architect is questioning why I do not have other fixtures in the list.

My installed flush rate for the dual flush toilets came out to be 1.27 gpf and my lav installed GPC is .1.