As stated in the Leeduser’s viewpoint the SSc4: Rainwater management is a combination of stormwater quality control and quantity control of previous LEED V3 credits SSc6.1 and SSc6.2.

Since our predevelopment  project has about 90/95% of imperviousness, the strategies we are evaluating are the following: To increase the green surfaces and Harvest rainwater captured from the roofs.

While for the runoff volume there are clear requirement and methodology compared with LEED V3 SSc6.1, it seems there are not any water quality requirements similar to LEED V3 SSc6.2 (for example there are not any threshold of  xx% removing of total suspended solids and if the TSS should be treated or not).

Does someone has already focus on the rainwater harvest quality treatment and can give me a feedback?

Thanks in advance
