Hello everyone!
I am working on 2 buildings that are registered in one project following the group approach.
We did not report the buildings seperatly on the MEPC in the first submittal and, as such, the GBCI reviewer just commented that we needed to do that (report multiple buildings on the MEPC) and to "show that each building independently complies with the prerequisite requirement. It is noted that to document both buildings in one MEPC, line 20 in the General Information tab shall be updated to state yes to multiple buildings."
When filling out the MEPC, we do notice some differences that need to comply (i.e., WWR needs to be 40% for each one of the 2 buildings and that assesseent occurs individually). As we understand, for each one of the buildings to comply with the prerequisit requirements individually, we need to demonstrate a 5% energy savings for each one of them. Am I right to assume this?
Additionally, we do not have any field / tab to demonstrate that individual cmpliance on the MEPC, because we only have 1 field to input energy savings for the whole project to demontrate compliance (as we ordinarilly have in single building projects).
How should I proceed to demonstrate compliance? Or is this something that does not need to be addressed?
Thank you all in advance!
Cory Duggin
Senior Energy WizardTLC Engineering Solutions
53 thumbs up
May 2, 2023 - 2:54 pm
That is correct each building is documented separately for the prereq but goes for points with their combined results. Each building needs 5% energy cost savings. You could do it a couple different ways. I have shown separate energy model outputs for each building showing they meet the prereq, then just do one combine MEPC. I think now that the MEPC can document multiple buildings in one document, they prefer it done that way though.
Luis Andrade
2 thumbs up
May 3, 2023 - 4:16 am
Hi Cory,
Unfortunately, you've just confirmed my fears, hehe...
Thanks for your reply.
Neeraj Sharma
Sustainability ManagerConserve Solutions- Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1 thumbs up
May 3, 2023 - 10:35 am
No need to do separate energy models, Instead apply submeter in the same energy model and then provide reports such as PS-E , PS-F for separate meters.
The energy report will work with the required calculation showing each building meets the minimum requirements.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
May 3, 2023 - 11:45 am
When you click multiple buildings there should be a form that opens up where you enter the savings for each project individually and then it adds them up to show the overall savings.