Projects I have been on, there are generic "LEED" requirements in Division 1 for Products (regional/ recycle, FSC etc) , VOC, IAQ, Waste Management, LEED submittals, ESC
And in applicable sections ensure there is language outlining what is needed for that specific division, either recycle/ regional, VOC requirements must be followed, FSC.
hope that helps
J Douglas Dietrich
Burns & McDonnell33 thumbs up
May 14, 2010 - 11:04 am
Thank you for the quick response. Would you happen to know the source of the language regarding the generic LEED requirements in Division 1? I realize there are different sources, but wondered if there is a consensus from practitioners regarding which source or sources are most clear and comprehensive.
Thanks again,
Brad Hollebrandse
Sustainability ConsultantJain Sustainability Consultants
22 thumbs up
May 14, 2010 - 11:22 am
All I could say is develop one for a project based on multiple sources and ask for comments for the future.
From experience I've seen LEED requirements split up into individual divisions.
General LEED requirements
LEED Products
Waste Management
Erosion Sedimentation Control
IAQ Management
Here is a couple links i found when I googled "LEED Specifications"
If you can get your hands on a previous LEED project and "reference" that spec is the best way to start.
J Douglas Dietrich
Burns & McDonnell33 thumbs up
May 14, 2010 - 11:28 am
Thanks, Brad.
This is very useful.
Best regards,
Jim Newman
Principal, Director of MetricsLinnean Solutions
12 thumbs up
May 14, 2010 - 11:47 am
Hi FolksAs a participant in the team that created the Green Guideline Specs that are posted on the BuildingGreen site (noted above), a couple of points are probably useful.First, these specs are quite comprehensive for the Division 1 material... well written and quite useful. However, they are now a couple of years old, and refer to older versions of LEED. Mitigating their age is the information included in the main webpage link, which is quite explicit in defining the levels and thresholds used in the spec language.Also, in putting the guide specs together, it was pretty clear to us that it was crucial to include LEED reference material in each section whenever possible. This is a big job, but very important. Your subs won't likely get the Division 1 material, but they WIIL get the sections relevant to their work.We saw this last situation as an opportunity, in some way, to engage the contractor and subs in a process of creating those spec sections. Maybe a pipe dream, but when we have done it, it is amazingly effective.jim
J Douglas Dietrich
Burns & McDonnell33 thumbs up
May 14, 2010 - 12:22 pm
Thanks for the insight, Jim. I appreciate it!