What program/tools/websites is everyone using to generate the required maps for credit submittal?
I need a map of street intersections, bicycle networks, open spaces, transit stops. Preferably with the capability to illustrate the required radii.
Spent half the day yesterday and a few hours today trying to figure out arcgis online. I give up. There has to be an easier way.
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Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
September 6, 2015 - 4:02 pm
You may find helpful information on the LEEDuser Tipsheet “How to Document SSc2 with Map Data” (http://www.leeduser.com/strategy/how-document-ssc2-map-data) .
Keep in mind that this tipsheet, available to LEEDuser members, reflects LEED-2009 requirements, so some of the specifics may no longer apply to LEEDv4. However, the mapping methods described may still be applicable.