My project only has two water closets, one is back-of-house for employees only and one is for customers. Both are gender neutral. Because the calculator requires you categorize WC's by gender I am unsure of how to fill it out for this project.
The WC's have different flush rates and % occupancy usage, so I can't simply assign one M and one F for representative results.
Please provide some guidance.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
477 thumbs up
May 14, 2019 - 1:00 am
Hi Anna,
This will seem strange b/c you only have two fixtures, but here's what I would do, and what I think would be correct.
You should have two defined user groups: one for employees, and one for visitors. Follow the instructions on the first tab for adding a group. For whatever reason, the calculator won't let you rename the existing "Group 1" tab. I usually just create whatever ones I need, and then delete the default tab to get rid of it.
Under each individual tab, there's a line under the people count at the top that asks for the % of males expected to use a restroom with a urinal. If your restrooms only have a toilet, you would put a zero there on both tabs.
In the flush fixture table, you will enter two lines for the toilet: one for male, and one for female. Put 100% in the use column. The calculator is set up already to calculate women and men uses differently, though it's usually based on the existence of urinals. Still, I think doing it this way will stay consistent with what reviewers usually see.
Since you have two user groups, the two different toilet types shouldn't be an issue, since it's one type per group.
That should be it (including the other fixtures you have, too, of course). Be sure to separate your people counts correctly for the two groups. Sounds like all employees might be group 1, while all transients are group 2. On the sinks, be sure to leave the % of users also at 100% on each tab.
Hopefully that all makes sense, but let me know if you have more questions.