My project is an addition with on future being future fit-out space. As directed by CIR #10102, I used LEED 2009 for Core & Shell Development, Appendix 1, Table 1 - Default Occupancy Counts to determine the employee and transient counts for the future fit-out space.
Should the calculated future-fit out transients be listed on Table Plf3-3 or Table Plf3-4?
In response to the GBCI reviewer's comments, I removed the calculated future fit-out transients counts from Table Plf3-3 and added them to Table Plf3-4 as noted below. Is this the correct way to response/proceed?
The GBCI reviewer is questioning whether the all the occupancy for the future fit-out space has been accounted for on the Pl Form 3. I listed the calculated employee number for the future fit-out space on Table Plf3-2 and Table Plf3-3. Initially I listed calculated future fit-out transients on Table Plf3-3 only because the directions indicate to include both staff plus transients.
Table Pfl3-4 self-tabulates the daily average for visitors, outpatients, inpatients, retain customers based on the counts input into Tables Plf3-2 and Pfl3-3. The Peak inputs, however, are not self-tabulated.
In response to the GBCI reviewer's comments, I removed the calculated future fit-out transients counts from Table Plf3-3 and added them to Table Plf3-4 as noted below.
Is this the correct way to response/proceed?
I divided the calculated number of future fit-out transients equal between the outpatient and visitor columns, know that based on the 4,400sf area of the future fit-out space it will most likely have 6 to 8 exam rooms, treatment rooms, procedure/rehab rooms or a mixture thereof. Using 7 as an average, this equals 7 future fit-out outpatients (1 per room) at Peak. Each of the 7 future fit-out outpatients could be accompanied by a family member, friend or healthcare aide = 7 Students/Visitors at Peak.
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