Our project, an industrial manufacturing facility, is expecting future expansion, and it has been noted on our permit/construction drawings. What's the best way to handle to this when it comes to SSc5.2 Open space and SSc7.1 Heat Island-non-Roof? The client won't sign SSc5.2 consent box unless future expansion is accounted for on this LEED application. The project will comply with both credits even with future expansion. However, how should I treat future expansion area? As part of building footprint or as hardscape?
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Karl Heitman
PresidentHeitman Architects Inc
4 thumbs up
April 16, 2015 - 12:30 pm
Anyone has any input on this question? I wonder how this future expansion issue impacts parking capacity credit too. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Ellen Mitchell
331 thumbs up
April 16, 2015 - 12:45 pm
For SSc7.1 heat island, non, roof, I would calculate only the hardscape that is in your current design for credit compliance. However, for SSc5.2, you are only allowed to count the open space that will be preserved as such for the life of the project. So for this credit, I would subtract any future development from your calculations. I don't think you really need to substantiate whether that square footage is building or hardscape, just confirm that you are not counting it towards credit compliance.