Our project is a 24 level office building. At least 75% of occupancy has been reached.
According to LEED Compliance Guide, for EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance, for Mechanical Ventilated Spaces, it must be determined the minimum amount of outdoor air supplied at "full occupancy".
My query is:
When filling the Minimum Indoor Air Quality Calculator, full occupancy could be used as the "default value for zone population"?
Is it another way to calculate full occupancy? or is it according to the landlord building policies?
Patrick Murisset
Tishman Speyer14 thumbs up
June 16, 2020 - 3:15 pm
Hi Giovani
You can click the option of default value on the spreadsheet to complete the calculations. When you do that, the default value of the ASHRAE 62.1-2010 is included on the math.
You can reach an estimated occupancy value by manually applying the default occupancy of the table 6-1 of the ASHRAE 62.1-2010 for your vacant spaces` square footages. Remember that was the way things were done until the LEED v2009 certification (https://www.usgbc.org/resources/leed-ebom-reduced-occupancy-guidance).
I`ve already applied this method to achieve IEQp1 compliance for a commercial building that wasn`t fully occupied.
Hope this helps.