I am working on a hospital project where I have both inpatients and visitors. When calculating the FTE for visitors, I multiply the amount of visitors by the number of hours staying at the hospital divide by 8. Example, for 100 visitors, I will get 25 FTE.
However, should I attribute 0,5 use per day for women toilets use since they are visitors or 3 uses per day considering that I have converted them into FTE occupants?
Susan Walter
HDRLEEDuser Expert
1296 thumbs up
November 30, 2015 - 2:34 pm
Two thoughts:
1. Once you convert your visitors to a FTE average, you should (probably) report the WEp1 usage the way you report any FTE.
2. I know this isn't your question but you should look carefully at how you calculate visiting hours and how they get averaged. If you talk to your client and the facility is really strict about hours and visitors, then you may be able to make a case to report the water usage pattern out differently (and why I say probably above). For example, if they limit visiting hours to 2 hours per shift and exclude over night visitors, your visiting FTE should drop accordingly. If they further limit it to a specific 2 hour window, the Visiting FTE would be even lower and you can justify this to the GBCI reviewer. (See below for info on Peds Visitors and go over to the NC forum on occupancy for more things I've discussed with people there.)