Can I use imported FSC wood as raw material and locally manufactured or FSC shall be locally harvested ?
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NC-v4 MRc3: Building product disclosure and optimization - sourcing of raw materials
Can I use imported FSC wood as raw material and locally manufactured or FSC shall be locally harvested ?
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Nadav Malin
CEOBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
844 thumbs up
August 9, 2019 - 9:43 am
Hi Hoda,
I'm afraid that locally manufactured doesn't help you if the raw materials are from more than 160 km away, you can't get extra credit for them as local.
You didn't ask about this, but a suggestion: if you upgrade to LEED v4.1, you may be able to earn two points for this credit, not just one. They've made some major changes that make this credit easier to work with in 4.1.
Good luck!