I have a door company that has sent me documentation that claims 98% FSC mix and another door 90% FSC mix then claims 23% New Wood and 30% New wood right on the documentation next to the FSC Mix % Claims. I have never seen this before. Is it not 100% "New Wood"?
are they saying 23% new wood of which 98% is mixed FSC? the Manf. is unreachable
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Kristina Bach
VP of InnovationSustainable Investment Group
151 thumbs up
March 29, 2017 - 3:04 pm
I'd read that as Door A is comprised of 23% New-Wood (i.e. the portion applicable to MRc7) and that 98% of that New-Wood portion is then FSC Certified (i.e. the portion actually compliant with MRc7). Door B would then be 30% New-Wood of which 90% is FSC-certified.
It might be easier to go back to thinking about that in terms of weights (since that's what those percentages refer to). Assuming Door A weighs 100 lbs, they're saying that 23 lbs of that is new-wood products (i.e. 23% of the whole). Of that 23 lbs, 98% is FSC-certified (i.e. about 22.5 lbs).
That's the level of detail you really need for reporting on this credit for that product type as you have to pull out all of the non-new-wood components (of which doors usually contain recycled-wood cores that aren't applicable). There are two columns in the MRc7 section to address both of those percentages and it's great that the manufacturer sent you all that information up-front (usually I have to go back and request it).
Lou Niles II
Senior Sustainability StrategistGlumac
14 thumbs up
March 29, 2017 - 3:27 pm
I'm sorry I need to be more clear that's how I read it but the documentation reads 98% FSC then 23% New Wood FSC; The subcontractor has input 98% then 23% in the calculator columns (just like it reads in the document). I would input the %'s in the LEED Calculator as 23% then 98%, correct? that is what I see you seeing by your response.