We are attempting IEQ 8.2 for LEED CI. Would a 49" tall frosted glass panel partition comply with the intent of this credit? i.e.: Can the interior glazing surfaces be transLUCENT or must they be 100% transPARENT?
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Lida Lewis
HKS Director of Wellbeing Design| IIDA, WELL Faculty, WELL AP, LEED AP ID+C
42 thumbs up
October 20, 2011 - 1:38 pm
The intent is to provide a clear line of sight, and translucent glass would obstruct the view.
Steve Khouw
PrincipalDNA GreenDesign
169 thumbs up
December 3, 2011 - 8:01 am
However, if you programmed the panels of the workstations to be positioned perpendicular to the window, there be still clear Line Of Sight for all, right?
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
December 6, 2011 - 3:03 pm
Only if the partition panel that ran parallel to the window wall was clear glass from 42" up or the panel was shorter then 42".
Steve Khouw
PrincipalDNA GreenDesign
169 thumbs up
December 6, 2011 - 10:31 pm
Todd, you are right, actually we are both right. I was referring to the systems furniture panel being perpendicular to the window wall, not parallel. If perpendicular, all occupants should have access to daylight view. If parallel, any panels above the 42" plumb must be in clear glazing.
Lisa (Elisabeth) Simmons
Interior DesignerAP+I Design
June 4, 2012 - 5:44 pm
Can anyone clarify if clear glass panels on furniture can be used for the line of site - when there are more than 2. Figure 2 under item 6 - calculations in the 2009 NC and ID+C book states that the line of site can pass through 2 interior glazing surfaces. I would interpret this as NO for the systems furniture panels when there are more than 2.
Also, may I have film on a conference room below 36" and above 48" leaving a clear transparent area and still recieve the credit as long as I have a direct line of site?
Joel Register
12 thumbs up
June 4, 2012 - 6:02 pm
One more clarification question here for systems furniture: do both parallel and perpendicular panel heights have to be clear and below 42"? I have low panel heights that run parallel to the windows, but a taller panel "spine" with overheads that is perpendicular to the window wall (higher than 42").
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
June 5, 2012 - 8:38 am
Elisabeth, the answer would be no. The reason as stated in the reference guide is basically the quality of view i s greatly diminished by having to look through multiple panes of glass. Reflections become the biggest issue. Also, the placement with the film below 36 and above 48 would be acceptable based on the 42" line. I would say that actual quality of view is poor but technical would meet the credit requirements.
Joel, the answer is no. They do not have to be clear below the 42" line, as long as its and office with adults. If this where say a middle or elementary school, the occupants height would require them to be clear.