We are starting a project (food service building) taht will serve to the users of other individual buildings of the same company, all of them are within the propoerty of the company and are not LEED certified.
How do we should calculate the total FTE for the project?
- Only the FTE of our new building or we have to consider every body working at the facilites (because all of them will be users, but working in other buildings).
Hope you can help me.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
January 7, 2014 - 11:34 am
Hi Edgar,
We have a couple of cafe projects that are similar to what you are describing accept they are tenant improvements inside existing buildings so they are CI projects.
We generally show the FTEs that are associated with the scope of work only. But then we include other staff that will use the facilities as retail customers (not transients) and derive the average daily use (and peak for other credits) based on the meals per day served. Hope that helps.
Edgar Rodriguez
1 thumbs up
January 7, 2014 - 12:23 pm
Thank you for your answer Michelle. It helps.