Hello Leedusers,
Does anyone have any experience documenting welding rods used in vinyl flooring? While the product LEED letter shows that it counts as an adhesive meeting the requirements set forth in the SCAQMD Rule #1168, the product comes in solid form, 50m rolls. The v4/v4.1 LEM calculator requires volume (or surface area) inputs for all wet-applied products. How can we translate a solid adhesive into volume? Or would this be documented in the flooring category?
Paula Melton
Editorial DirectorBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
183 thumbs up
July 14, 2023 - 1:52 pm
Hmm, interesting question. I would assume you should use the surface area that the adhesive will spread over during installation, rather than trying to translate a solid mass directly into a liquid volume, but I'm interested to know how others have solved this.