The project (office building) has a few private (executive) offices which have their own assigned private toilet. This is intended for use only by the assigned executive. As such, the toilet is not accessible to other employees or guests. It would be logical to assign these under "private toilet" however, recent guidance documents have a qualifying condition for the type of building where "only facilities in residencies and apartments, private bathrooms in hotels and hospitals, and restrooms in commercial establishments where the fixtures are intended for the use of a family or an individual are considered private or private-use facilities. All other facilities are considered public or public use."

Given this, should the private toilets in office buildings be considered public even though only 1 person has access to it? To be clear, the toilet has 1 lavatory and 1 water closet and accessible only thru the private/executive office space; room is secured by lockset by the user.

Hoping for your advice.

thank you and regards,