Dear All,

According to LEED Reference Guide, credit Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat:

  • REQUIREMENTS (pg 163): “projects that achieve a density of 1,5 floor-area ratio may include vegetated roof surfaces in the calculations”;
  • FURTHER EXPLANATION (pg. 169): it is necessary to “Determine the density of the project and surrounding areas by calculating the ratio of the anticipated building footprint to the total project area… This calculation, the Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR) is used in many LEED credits”.

Can you please clarify the meaning of density of 1,5 floor-area ratio in this specific credit ? Is it the:

  • Ratio of building footprint to site area ?
  • Ratio of the building footprint to site buildable land ?
  • Ratio of buildings footprint in the surrounding areas to surrounding areas buildable land (in this case, how are these surrounding areas defined ?)
  • any other ratio ?

Thanks in advance,